
It was your love I was used to.

My photo
WOW. That's how I describe me. ==' I think I'm done with girls. Let's just be friends. Baby is right, I don't need a woman in my life to complete me. :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

one two.

Getting ready to go to work ah seh. Now I'm feeling sleepy, and lazy, and urgh. URGH! Mummy cooked Nasi Ayam Penyet. Bringin two packets to work. One for Wife, one for me. Doing bus concourse. Sigh. Da lah malam malam buta mendak nak mampos. Lepas tu handphone kena simpan dalam kocek je. Mendak pe! Pfft.

Alright, happy happy. Xoxo.

Tanpaku menyadari, dirimu masih ku cintai.


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